Currently Available Puppies
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Snuggle Time puppies Mini Cavapoos $1200 ready to go home now Weight goal 15/18 lbs 11/24/2024. Born The coat type is teddy bear with lowest shedding available. They love to be on your lap and watch TV or read a book- nice little lap warmers . Cavapoos make for great family pets and are known […]
I wanna be your Bestie !F1B Standard Boy Goldendoodle Joey $1400 ready to go home now . Born 11/10/24Weight goal 50/55 lbs Mom is f1 Standard Goldendoodle VictoriaDad is Standard Poodle Milo Joey has a very sweet happy go lucky nature . He make everyone his best friend . He enjoys hanging out and watching […]
Do you wanna build a snowman ?F1BB mini Goldendoodles Smaller 16-20 lbs – teddy bear coats DOB 11/24. Ready goal 1/18/2025Mom F1B mini DosieDad mini poodle Willie $1650 with $300 due now to reserve These babies have a very snuggly , laid back personalities. They will enjoy playing and training with you . The pups […]
River boy Willow girl Amazing Northern Lights Cavapoos$860These babies have some of the most unique colors . We predict silvers , blues , coal black . The eye colors will be a surprise as the pups get older . Weight goals 15/18 lbs . Your puppy will shots ,worming ,microchipped and health guarantee included . […]
Sugar n Spice Ruby Red mini Goldendoodle Puppies Born 10/11 ready goal 12/6/24$1650. With $300 due now to reserve Mom F1B Mini Goldendoodle 18 lbs RoxieDad mini Poodle 17 lbs Butterbrickle These sweet darker ruby red minis will be a smaller size . Plan teddy bear looks with curly to wavy coat . This is […]
Buddy is reserved for Antoinette Ivy Nicky Noel Up on The Roof Top!F1B mini Goldendoodles Born 10/30/24Ready goal 12/24/24Mom f1 mini Goldendoodle Judy Dad mini poodle Kandu Puppy weight estimates 20/25 lbs $1850 with $300 due to reserve ** we will try our best to have these babies ready 12/24- *based on if the pups […]
These pups are not ready for adoption yet, but will be soon!
Best Friends F1B Standard GoldendoodlesBorn 1/20/2025Ready goal 3/20Mom f1 Standard Goldendoodle Flossie 55 lbsDad Standard Poodle Milo 55/60 lbs $1700 with $200 ’due now to reserve your first pick. Beautiful babies nice solid pups with wavy to curly coats . The best choice for lowest shedding coat types. Goldendoodles are a mix of two of […]
Glafira reserved Mollie How Sweet it is ! Mom f1 Standard Goldendoodle Anna 55lbsDad Standard Poodle 55/60 lbs MiloThese pups have the lowest shedding coat types – teddy bear look with blocky face , wavy to curly coats. Goldendoodles are the quintessential family dog. They’re eager to please and get along well with children, other […]
Morkie’s ! Happy Days!Black n Tans with white flags stunning .$1600 with $300 due to reserve Born 1/6/25Ready 2/28/25 based on weight and Vet examWeight goal 8-10 lbs These babies will look like teddybears, fluffy , playful and very loving natures . The ears may stand up – too soon to tell now . Normally […]
Signs of Hypoglycemia
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can quickly become an urgent health problem in toy and small-breed dogs, say experts. Without intervention, there is risk of dogs slipping into a coma and possibly dying.
Juvenile hypoglycemia, which is seen in puppies less than 3 months of age, generally occurs because puppies have not fully developed the ability to regulate blood glucose concentration and have a high requirement for glucose.
Understanding Hypoglycemia
“In a nutshell, the brain can only use glucose for energy,” explains Margret Casal, D.V.M., Ph.D., assistant professor of medical genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. “If glucose levels drop in the blood, then there is less energy for the brain, which causes neurological signs such as disorientation, tremors and coma.
“Normally, glucose is stored in the form of glycogen in the body, and when necessary, hormones stimulate the breakdown of glycogen to supply the brain and other tissues with fuel,” she continues. “Sometimes in toy and small breeds, the process does not occur quickly enough and hypoglycemia begins to kick in.
“An animal that goes a prolonged period without glucose may eventually slip into a coma and possibly die. In toy and small-breed dogs that timeframe is greatly reduced when compared to larger dogs.”
Among the signs of hypoglycemia are loss of appetite, extreme lethargy, lack of coordination, trembling, muscle twitching, weakness, seizures, and discoloration of skin and gums.
“They usually act like they are drunk,” says Amirov. “They may be lethargic, shivering or refusing to get up and play. Most won’t eat or drink. If you know your puppies well and they are acting out of the ordinary, there’s a very good chance they are going into low sugar shock. A simple case of hypoglycemia is often due to overactivity combined with too much time between meals.
“After a dog has crashed due to hypoglycemia, I follow up with a protein-rich food, such as canned puppy food, to help stabilize the blood sugar and prevent another crash,” she continues. “If a dog doesn’t stabilize and continues to have difficulty after being given glucose, then I take him to the veterinarian. However, during a hypoglycemic attack, time is of the essence.”
Experts recommend rubbing syrup on a dog’s gums, dabbing sugar water on or under the tongue, or giving a concentrated solution of glucose to offset the drop in blood glucose. Providing a simple sugar solution and hydrating liquid are key.
“It also is imperative to keep them warm,” Smolarz says. “I put a kitchen towel in the microwave for 30 seconds. I shake it out and wrap the puppy in it to bring up his body temperature. Low blood sugar can cause hypothermia, so I get them warm first.
“Next, I give the puppy a teaspoon of honey and wait a few minutes. If the puppy seems to be getting better, I follow up by giving small amounts of warm sugar water over the next few minutes.”
Measures to prevent hypoglycemia include feeding puppies and small dogs three or four times a day. A high-quality, nutritious dog food is important in helping to sustain a dog. Owners also should provide a warm environment.
Smolarz crates puppies and adult dogs when they are fed to ensure they eat. “This also helps to prevent the litter bully from stealing everybody else’s food. When they are that small, you have to be sure they have enough to eat. I make sure they have kibble to eat freely, and I feed puppies three to four meals a day until they are 5 months old.”